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From AM LAW 100 to regional practitioners and in-house counsel— CasePortal allows you to stay informed about the currents in civil litigation.

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More than 8,194,510 Reported Cases and Analyzed Opinions in the CasePortal Library!
Since 1990, Courthouse News Service© has been a trusted resource for reporting rapidly and completely on new civil litigation and common law throughout the United States. Our news delivery platform, CasePortal, provides attorneys with comprehensive coverage, daily reporting, and fast alerts.

Features that keep your practice sharp
From full text search of complaints and opinions, to email and SMS alerts for cases you’re following, CasePortal’s friendly features help lawyers and research support teams to quickly find cases relevant to their practice, and to stay informed about new civil actions and rulings in areas that could impact your litigation.

3,000+ federal and state courts
Quit bouncing between multiple services while you’re trying to research. When you use CasePortal, you can find cases and opinions from federal and state courts all across the nation.
A search engine that supports both simple and advanced research
CasePortal’s deceptively simple search tool makes it easy to find cases using plain language or build highly targeted advanced search queries in seconds. You can even search the text of filed documents and opinions!

Save time with our crafted case summaries
When you’re looking for a legal needle in a litigation haystack, you don’t have time to look at every case detail. With CasePortal, case summaries display in the search results, making it easier and faster to research past reports and filter out irrelevant matches.
Get notified fast about new cases and updates to existing cases
Only CasePortal offers Dingers and Trackers. Save your search parameters with one-click and let us notify you as similar cases are filed, or alert you to subsequent filings and rulings on cases you’re following.

Reports and Dingers direct to your mobile phone
You won’t always be at your desk when alerts come in. CasePortal boasts mobile-friendly case reports and dingers so you can be notified when you are on the go and even download reports and opinions with your phone.
Create custom workflows with apps you already use
Imagine getting a notification in Microsoft Teams or Jabber whenever your client has been named as a party in a lawsuit. How about getting an Excel spreadsheet automatically populated with new case reports and court rulings from jurisdictions you care about?
CasePortal’s REST API makes it possible to automate manual tasks, and easily combine information from multiple sources. Ask your IT team to check out our developer documentation.

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